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Terror At The Mall [Regio free (0)]
Terror At The Mall / (mod Ntsc)

22,19 EUR
Lanzado en: 28/04/2015
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Rango de ventas: 0
Estilo: Documentales
Número de artículo: 1987069151
Código regional: 0  ¿Que es eso? Please note our information regarding region codes:
DVDs and Blu-Rays often are country encoded and do not play worldwide. Please check whether your player is compatible with the area code of the item.

DVD code - Area
0/free - Informal term meaning "worldwide"
1 - United States, Canada, Bermuda, U.S. territories
2 - Europe (Central Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe), Egypt, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, British Overseas Territories, British Crown Dependencies, French Overseas departments and territories
3 - Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau
4 - Latin America (except French Guiana), Guyana, Suriname, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, much of Oceania
5 - South Asia, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan), Africa (except Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea
6 - China
7 - Reserved for future use, MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia
8 - International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc.
9 - all eight flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any location, on any player

Blu-Ray Code - Area
free/0 - Informal term meaning "worldwide".
A/1 - United States and their dependencies, East Asia, and Southeast Asia; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
B/2 - Africa, Middle East, Southwest Asia, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and their dependencies; excludes instances that fall under Region C.
C/3 - Central Asia, mainland China, Mongolia, South Asia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the aforementioned regions' dependencies.
Duración: 59 min
Formato de sonido: NTSC
Informaciones adicionales: Reed, Dan
Descripción:Labelcode HBAC7430895DVD
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Terror At The Mall [Regio free (0)]
22,19 EUR
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